SLIMFRESH® is an innovative and ecological packaging solution, consisting of a cardboard base laminated with a special thin plastic liner.
The food placed on this liner is covered with a high barrier film with skin technology.
This arrangement offers the possibility of extending its shelf life , ensuring greater freshness and durability over time.

Recycling and sustainability are driving the trend of this new packaging that aims to maintain an environmentally friendly footprint.
In fact, with a simple movement, it is possible to separate the paper from the coating ensuring efficient recycling.
Its flexibility, the immediate appearance of the product and the practicality of the packaging are among the advantages of this new packaging style.


Easy opening and rationing
Fresh product without leaks, fresher color, curing in the package
The skin-pack is the perfect solution to meet the many needs of the consumer, the producer and the environment
Creation of a brand name
Reducing food waste along the supply chain
Unlimited range of different sizes and shapes
Material only / Recycling
More attractive and eye-catching products : Vertical display capability
Longer shelf life , Fresh product for longer

Thanks to the use of Offset printing technology, it is possible to advertise in colour and mention various communication information on the packaging itself.
Slimfresh® is made from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) labeled paperboard, which has created a certification system to ensure responsible forest management and sustainability in the wood-paper supply chain.

Slimmfresh ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of G. Mondini Spa and produced by GB Bernucci